Collective Worship at Holy Rosary allows pupils to pray, praise, reflect, meditate and take time to listen; it is about giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God.
This gives us the chance to share our loving response – in word, song and action – to God’s invitation to encounter and enter into relationship with Him, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.
At every opportunity, pupils are given the responsibility to lead Collective Worship at class, phase, whole-school and whole community level with confidence, enthusiasm and creativity.
In our community, pupils, staff and their families will worship together in contemporary and traditional ways, giving opportunities for pupils, staff and their families to:
- Develop the school as a community of faith, developing a common ethos and shared values
- Contemplate the mystery of God
- Encounter and develop their relationship with God
- To respond to and celebrate life
- Reflect on spiritual and moral issues related to Catholic Social Teaching
- Explore their own beliefs
- To take time out ‘to wonder at’, ‘to come to terms with’ and ‘to give worth to’.
Whole School and Class Liturgies
Our RE lead, Mrs. Dyche, and our chaplaincy team, known as ‘The Messengers,’ lead the children in worship based on the Gospel readings each Monday morning. This is called the 10:10 Assembly.
The Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher also lead acts of worship with themes that focus on our school ethos, Catholic identity, and worship. These assemblies are sometimes led by external agencies such as CAFOD or Missionary workers and serve to further develop our pupils’ Personal, Social, Moral and Physical development.
During the year, each class leads their own act of worship/assembly to the whole school community. This reflects an aspect of the liturgical year or follows the work they have done within their RE lessons.
Praise and Worship Liturgy and Celebration Liturgy
Our Praise and Worship Liturgy takes place every Thursday morning and our Celebration Liturgy every Friday afternoon. They are an opportunity for our children to learn new songs for collective and personal worship, and be celebrated for their exceptional characters.
Class Liturgies
These Acts of Collective Worship take place in classes each week and are led by our children. Pupils confidently and enthusiastically create varied and a well-planned opportunities for their peers based on current issues, set themes or an aspect of the liturgical year. Pupils use these sessions to share the difference Collective Worship makes to their sense of identity, safety, character and growth.
Where required, the Messengers work with children in other classes to develop their class liturgy and understanding of worship.
The God Who Speaks – Celebrating, Living and Sharing God’s Word – Luke 22: 24
As part of our Covid-19 Curriculum Review, the Messengers share stories to support the theological literacy of our pupils from the units of work to covered during the pandemic.
The God Who Speaks – Celebrating, Living and Sharing God’s Word – Acts 2
As part of our Covid-19 Curriculum Review, the Messengers share stories to support the theological literacy of our pupils from the units of work covered during the pandemic.