
At Holy Rosary CVA, we want our children to be naturally curious, with a sense of wonder about the world around them.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum, including working scientifically skills, questioning, research and observation.

We aim to provide stimulating, engaging and challenging lessons, incorporating practical elements wherever possible. We want our children to have a broad scientific vocabulary, taught and built upon as units are revisited through key stages. We intend to provide our children with a broad, balanced and fun Science education that contributes to an expanding Science Capital.

Children are taught Science for 2hrs per week if it is the unit driver or 1hr per week if it is mapped as a stand-alone unit (KS2 only).

Units of work begin and end with a unit quiz as a progress measure. Ultimately, progress is measured by teachers using a range of formative assessment practices, including Oracy skills and Vocabulary use.

Each unit is planned around key skills and concepts (Substantive Knowledge) and ‘topic-specific’ application (Disciplinary Knowledge). Children are supported by the use of knowledge organisers to reduce cognitive load.

There are a range of practical and theory-based activities planned into each unit of work. The key knowledge, vocabulary and skills will be taught through these planned activities.