School Meals

Derbyshire County Council  Catering Service continues to develop new recipes and source quality products from reputable and, where possible, local suppliers.

Children are offered choice and variety each and every day at lunchtime. Fresh potatoes, vegetables, salads, yoghurt, fruit platters and fresh milk are always available.

Nut Free

We are a nut-free school meaning that no nuts are used in the preparation of food on-site. Also, no nuts are allowed in packed lunches. If children bring nuts into school, to protect other pupils and staff, we will provide them with an alternative and contact parents to ensure they know not to send nuts into school in the future.


The current meal of the day includes a main course, pudding and drink with prices £2.57.

Pupils in Foundation Stage 1 and Key Stage 1 are provided with Universal Free School meals.

This means that every child from reception to Year 2 are entitled to a school meal free of charge. From Year 3, pupils who wish to have a school meal will be charged for each meal they choose, unless they are entitled to Free School Meals. If pupils wish to have packed lunch on some days of the week and school dinners on others, they can mix and match. Pupils do not need to have school dinners all week and can mix and match as they choose – they just let us know when the register is taken.

Please contact the school if you are unsure about the arrangements for meal times at Holy Rosary.


Spring/Summer MENU

Autumn/Winter MENU

During Autumn and Winter season the kitchen also offer:
Week 1
Monday – Jacket potato
Tuesday – Pasta
Thursday – Sandwiches (ham, cheese, tuna, jam)
Week 2
Monday – Pasta
Tuesday – Sandwiches (ham, cheese, tuna, jam)
Thursday – Jacket potato
Week 3 
Monday – Pasta
Tuesday – Sandwiches (ham, cheese, tuna, jam)
Thursday – Pasta or jacket potato