The curriculum at Holy Rosary has been designed with a particular focus on the most disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils and is therefore highly ambitious for all pupils, centred around the acquisition of substantive, disciplinary and procedural knowledge over time, to give pupils the knowledge, skills and vocabulary they need to be safe, to be happy and to thrive.
The curriculum is effectively planned and sequenced, and progression is clearly mapped out from the Foundation Stage to Year 6. This, along with our focus on the right pitch in each lesson and high expectations for all pupils, means that pupils secure cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills over time. Wherever possible, teachers and leaders use learning potential of the locality (including our Woodland School) and target pupil interests to deepen their Cultural Capital, supported by carefully selected high-quality texts.
The curriculum is inclusive, focusing on key elements of Catholic Social Teaching, keeping the Gospel Values, British Values and the Protected Characteristics at its heart. This ensures, along with the additional support on offer, that all children feel involved, engaged and supported to access the learning in a way that meets their individual needs. Pupils with SEND are supported to be independent learners by making it clear what their next steps are and how they can get there.
Pupils in all year groups are offered the full range of subjects offered by the school. The curriculum is broad and balanced, covering the full range of subjects and objectives outlined in the National Curriculum (and beyond) using ‘drivers’ to navigate the unit of work. This provides relevance and context to make learning stick.