Parent Consultation Evenings

At Holy Rosary, we use ‘School Cloud Video Appointments’ for all parent consultations to ensure as many parents as possible can attend and hear about their child’s progress.

Parents will have the opportunity to choose their own appointment times with their child’s class teacher rather than leaving the decision in the hands of their child, or sending a reply slip back to school, hoping it’s not lost at the bottom of a schoolbag.

There’s nothing to download or install – calls are made directly from the web browser. We know that parents & teachers already have the technology they need – a smartphone, tablet or laptop – so we’re looking forward to seeing you in Autumn and Spring.

To book* your meeting, go to:

School Cloud Booking Portal

*You can only make bookings when the booking portal has been opened by the school – please wait until you hear from the school about when bookings are open.

Information about Parent Consultation Week will be sent to parents whose number we have on Parent Pay. If you are separated parents and you are would like a separate meet about your child, please contact your child’s class teacher through Class Dojo to arrange this.

SEND/Monitoring Parent Consultations

Parents of pupils with SEND or pupils who are on the monitoring register receive an additional parent consultation, which focusses on the specific targets and progress within their child’s SEND or Monitoring Plan on Edukey.

During Parent Consultation Week, this provides all parents the opportunity to discuss the Autumn and Spring Progress Reports, attendance and behaviour (although these may be touched upon in the SEND/Monitoring meeting).

If you have any further questions about this, please speak with our SENDCo, Miss Hook, by emailing:

Need support to book?

Download the parents’ guide here:

School Cloud Parents’ Guide